The overall health situation continues on a fairly even path. I managed three of the normal length walks, all without major issues. I took the sports tape off my back at the end of the previous week, which remained off until the next chiro session on Thursday. During that, he done deep massaging, more acupuncture and re-applied more tape, although less this time. The acupuncture got a bit more ‘interesting’, with his leaving the needles in longer, plus ‘twizzling’ those, which was notable. Since then, the pain is focused on the spot on the left bottom of my back and is the most notable since he began his work. The right side is painful too, but that has been for some weeks now. I think it will take some time yet, but what he is doing, is helping and there is a bit of ‘finding our way’, with regards to focusing on the pain points and alleviating the pain levels.
On Friday, I met up with Emma and her daughter Isobelle, for some lunch. That was a nice daytime catch up, which is not an easy thing to do with her work and family commitments. As highlighted at various stages in the past write ups, I appreciate anyone who gives up their valuable time, to spend that with me. A few hours of catching up was good for the 3 of us.
I picked up the car on Tuesday and although they have replaced two parts, there was still a noise coming from the front end. I agreed to take the car, run for this week, then report back on whether anything remains outstanding. So far, despite doing some quick and easy resolutions ourselves, the noise remains.
Regarding the book, final improvements and proof reading were the key focus, as we move closer to the self-imposed deadline.
Saturday seen us going to Alanna’s to help them partially with the kids Xmas trees, plus covering off a smidge of key work with Dan. We rounded off the weekend with Sandra and I have a chilled day and a movie afternoon, which we have not had the chance to do for some time; great battery charging for us both.
Thank you for your time and interest in these updates.